Wednesday, 14 October 2009

157 RWA Autumn Exhibition1 November - 13 December

A vast magical building embedded in time still maintaining the beauty and authority of when it was established in 1858, being Bristol’s first art gallery, this amazing structure has always been a school and gallery for the upcoming artists of the day.

Walking through the front entrance instantly feeling overwhelmed as if the doors and ceilings were built in a time when giant mythical creatures existed, everything elegantly embellished with so much love and attention going in to every detail, putting our current buildings of the day to shame. As I walk through the entrance hallway a giant metal spectral dog greets me, showing me up a vast marble staircase. As I reach the top I am exhilarated by a vibrant circus of talent, emaciating colour, passion and potential, not needing to be questioned just to be enjoyed, the RWA’s most popular show of the year consisting of over 500 works of painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking and architecture. All around me a gentile buzz in the air as if powered by some unknown force, people of all ages milling around engrossed, excited, connecting to pieces of work they never knew existed.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, judging from this exhibition, I would say a piece of art has unlimited potential to convey an emotion or to connect or speak to people on another level, and most of all, to just be enjoyed!

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