Friday, 20 November 2009

ART REVIEW: "Truth Beauty: Pictorialism and the Photograph as Art

ART REVIEW: "Truth Beauty: Pictorialism and the Photograph as Art"
Distilled grace
By Rebecca Rafferty on February 11, 2009

Photography gave rise to the immpressionist movement, exhibition shows the techological developments that aided the artistic exploration. The "Pictorialism" movement of the early 20th century, dipicted romantic themes, soft focus, and unrealistic photographs; of which I still feel hold a wonderful artist beauty to them, but with photographic developments, medium could only be used to record objective reality, Then in the 1900's modernism emerged and looked more at focus and clarity,

Coburn's words echo the dovetailing of science and art, and the yearning human spirit: "An artist is a man who tries to express the inexpressible. He struggles and suffers knowing that he can never realize his most perfect ideal. Occasional moments of ecstasy lure him on, but nothing is final in art, it is always progressing and advancing, as man's intelligence expands in the light of more perfect knowledge of himself and the universe." I love this quote as I feel thats what we should all be sesarching for, the perfect ideal and greater knowledge of ourselves.

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