Monday, 30 November 2009

Session 5, Task 1, All together now!

Session 5, Task 1, All together now, design and the elastic mind, Antonelli, P, museam of modern art 2008.

This article discussed some not unknown but ideas and communications that we dont even realise is going on. That comunities are no longer defined by race, class, religion or region but rather by shared interest or passion, recognisable images and ideograms. The idea of privacy being shifted so that it now has individuality, and the idea of using privacy to make contact with other human beings, through screen names and virtual alter egos we build a parallel universe where we can be ourselves but protected. Humans are forever seeking a comfortable space to inhabit from an ideal home to an idea city, the spaces we find most comfortable are the ones that are designed to accomodate openness and human expansion. He then describes there being many links between virtual and real communities, almost as if our world is now insufficient so we are building a new world inside the computer.

Existenzmaximum: about the links between virtual and real communities and physical boundaries and the influence of this on design and the world.

He talks about how we can expand ones private well beyond the physical space occupied by ones body and how technology is leaping towards portability and miniaturization, where a persons minimum needs in terms of space and consumption is decreased. This is then incorporated into the idea of planning private spaces for lower and middle class, where we can expand our minds with tecnology rather than space.

Also how 85% of the worlds population will use cell phones; does this enable a collective intelligence, collective good, collective genius? Is it that an ocean of minds is better than one? where in the likes of my space, 2 people can co-exist, overlap and is this almost like spiritual relating to the soul? or are we all just pretending to be something we're not in a make believe world....?? This article was quite scary as if we were all turning into robots, suppressed with our bodies redered useless in name of mathmatics, science and convienience.

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