Saturday, 13 February 2010

Fashion and Starvation

From The Face of Fashion by J. Craik

I really liked these quotes because they gave a different light to deformation of the body in "a kind of self-loathing that exaggerates the percieved deformity of ones objective body shape" by anorexia's and bulimics. As we all seem to see a slight exaggeration or deformity of the body shape as attractive has this affected us so much that its now socially embedded into our minds where we can no longer accept the true or natural but are so used to seeing the deformities we dont know whats real anymore.

"the anorexic avoids the shameful world of eating, while simultaneously achieving personal power and a sense of moral superiority through the emaciated body" all this just seems ridiculous when likened with the starving children in Africa, its almost like a sick joke, you just think how selfish we are.

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